Five Places in Your Home That Attract Lots of Dirt

Dealing with home chores is a tedious task, especially when you have to do it just after returning from work. On top of that, no matter what you do alone, the grime continues to build up, and sooner or later, you will need support from your family or from a professional team.

Normally, it would be enough to wash your dishes, tidy up a bit and remove the clutter, but in real life, you will encounter some places you have missed. Let’s give you tips about that – here are the five places in your home that attract lots of dirt.

A World of Its Own Lies Under Your Furniture

Some furniture pieces are too heavy to move every day you use the vacuum cleaner, so moving them often is simply impractical. However, regularly checking underneath your chairs, couches, and others will be a good idea.

Furniture pieces with soft upholstery often attract lots of dirt particles and accumulate dust. So, expect to find lots of it below them. Moreover, that is one of the favourite hiding places for different insects and, of course, rats if you have the misfortune to be swarmed by them.

That’s why regularly cleaning underneath can help ensure there won’t be anything that attracts these types of pests and there are no unpleasant surprises.

In addition, you can find many coins and toy parts, which you likely have forgotten about.

Ultimately, get some help so you can move the furniture and clean underneath them every 3-4 months to ensure your home is nice and clean throughout the year.

The Dirtiest Part of Your Kitchen

And the winner is your beloved oven. Don’t think the newest oven models will eliminate grease and food residue. The whole process of cooking involves dealing with leftovers, so you’ve got to do precisely that.

Unless you are one of those people who eat only raw food, you will have to scrub the greasy oven interiors. You can make this task easy if you regularly clean your oven. Use different combinations of baking soda and white vinegar, as many Internet articles and blog posts would suggest.

For those who really find cleaning the oven unpleasant, try steam cleaning. This process will loosen up all the built-up gunk and grease and will make scrubbing it all away really easy afterwards.

Some ovens have a self-cleaning option, which is essentially incineration of all the dirt and grease inside the oven so that you can remove it more easily. That feature, however, greatly reduces the lifespan of your appliance and can even damage it over time, so it isn’t really recommended.

In the end, the good old-fashioned way to clean your oven works best, and if you use eco-friendly cleaning products, you can even positively impact the environment. 

Also, don’t forget to include cleaning the oven in the moving plan, especially if you rent your home and want to get your security deposit back.


Countertops, tops of closets, cupboards – all these places accumulate dust, and sooner or later, you will start to cough. More than 70 % of the dust in your home remains unseen, and you will need lots of experience to locate all the places where dust piles up.

Apply the following strategy when you clean: start from top to bottom. That way, you will avoid the awkward moment when you have to clean twice. You must also dust before you vacuum to avoid doing the latter twice. For best results, use a damp microfiber cloth to collect all the dust.

Teddy Bears and Other Fluffy Toys

Like most upholstery-rich furniture pieces, plush teddy bears and other stuffed toys are actually dust bombs. Removing them permanently from your home will be wise – there are far better items for decoration.

Things can get really gruesome if you put all these toys on a dusty countertop. If you have more than two teddy bears, get a box and put them in. Apparently, the best thing to do if our kids are already grown-ups is to donate or sell most of your stuffed toys. The emotional attachment to something else than your loved ones is usually unnecessary.

Soft Flooring

Yes, I’m talking about all these carpets and rugs in your home. For instance, if you live in Australia, you will definitely pass without covering every inch of your floor with Persian carpets. 

The latter may look great, but the main function of soft flooring is to ensure warmth for your feet. This can be achieved with bamboo flooring (which is in abundance there) or other methods, not involving so much dust.

For those who own rugs and carpets know how much dirt and dust is trapped in them. This means you must vacuum them regularly, or you risk developing allergies and other health complications.

Usually, the specialists recommend vacuuming once a week and deep cleaning them at least once a year. The better care you take of your carpets and rugs, the longer their lifespan will be, which is usually somewhere between 10-15 years.

Of course, you can always call a team of domestic cleaners and let them deal with these tedious tasks. That will save you money and free up your time so you can spend it on better things. Remember to select at least a couple of companies before you make your final decision.


So, these were the five unexpected places in your home that attract lots of dirt. Making cleaning the entire property a regular habit can go a long way to ensure the cleanliness of your place and safeguarding your and your family’s health.

The stuff becomes even more complicated when you have pets and/or little kids. That’s why, sometimes, it pays off to call a little professional help, so you can make sure everything’s nice and clean and well taken care of.

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